Know Your Roots 

Nourish – Strengthen

It is a unique opportunity for Hindus living abroad to transform their lives through the knowledge of  Sanatana Dharma.

  Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Dharma Moolam is offering Free  Lectures on topics of special interest  in collaboration with ‘SKKP Jagadguru Vidhyasthanam, Thiruvanaikka, Trichy’

For children and adults  With The Blessings of

Pujyasri Sri Sri Shankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamigal

 Next Session – Sunday, December 4 @ 10:30AM EST/ 9PM IST

Sunday, December 4 @ 10:30 EST (9pm IST)

Sessions will be Through Zoom  Meetings

Meeting ID: 778 720 6935  Passcode: 1894  Or Telephone:646 931 3860  or   929 205 6099   Passcode: 1894

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Dr. M Gokulakrishna Aiyar is a practicing Ayurvedic physician in Srirangam, Trichy District, Tamil Nadu. Apart from being an Ayurvedic clinician, he is also a student of Samskrta Sahityam with a special interest in the literary heritage of the Saints of Adi Shankaracharya’s tradition. He has a deep passion for the study of the Shastras like Vyakaranam, Purva Mimamsa, and Vedanta.
A great part of his time is taken up by the clinical practice of Ayurveda. What leisure time he has, he utilizes for the study of the life and works of the 16th century Saint and polymath Srimad Appayya Dikshitendra. He has been studying, and translating the Sanskrit works of this Saint that remain largely forgotten today and remain locked away in little known and unobtainable books. Longing to see such Sanskrit writings of the past readily available today, has been working hard to study and translate the works of Srimad Appayya Dikshitendra.

Contact Information:

Srimad Appayya Dikshitendra –  Text, Audio & YouTube Links

🎧Dikshitendra Stuti Audio

श्रीमत्क्षीरतरङ्गिणीतटगते पुण्ये विरिञ्चेः पुरे
नित्यं संनिहितं किलाकलयितुं क्षीराभिषेकादरम् ।
श्रीगारुत्मतवल्लिकासहचरं मार्गे सहायं नृणां
श्रीमद्दीक्षिततवंशदैवतवरं संचिन्तये शंकरम् ॥

ஶ்ரீமத்க்ஷீரதரங்கி³ணீதடக³தே புண்யே விரிஞ்சே꞉ புரே
நித்யம்ʼ ஸம்ʼநிஹிதம்ʼ கிலாகலயிதும்ʼ க்ஷீராபி⁴ஷேகாத³ரம் .
ஶ்ரீகா³ருத்மதவல்லிகாஸஹசரம்ʼ மார்கே³ ஸஹாயம்ʼ ந்ருʼணாம்ʼ
ஶ்ரீமத்³தீ³க்ஷிததவம்ʼஶதை³வதவரம்ʼ ஸஞ்சிந்தயே ஶங்கரம் .

śrīmatkṣīrataraṅgiṇītaṭagate puṇye viriñceḥ pure
nityaṃ saṃnihitaṃ kilākalayituṃ kṣīrābhiṣekādaram .
śrīgārutmatavallikāsahacaraṃ mārge sahāyaṃ nṛṇāṃ
śrīmaddīkṣitatavaṃśadaivatavaraṃ saṃcintaye śaṃkaram 

Śrī Mannārguḍī Periyava

Mahāmahopādhyāya Brahmaśrī Tyāgarāja Dīkṣitendra who is reverentially referred to as Śrī Mannārguḍī Periyava or Śrī Mannārguḍī Rāju Śāstrigaḷ was one of the most illustrious descendants of Parameśvarāvatāra, Nityāgnihotri, Advaitavidyācārya, Śrīmad Appayya Dīkṣitendra. He was born in 1815 to Śrī Brahmaśrī Mārgasahāya Appā Dīkṣitar and his dharmapatnī Marakatavallī Jānakī Ammāḷ. The greatness of this family can only be expressed by quoting the words of Śrī Mannārguḍī Periyava himself in his Dīkṣitendra-vaṁśābharaṇam, a short work on the life of Śrīmad Appayya Dīkṣitendra:

महत्येषां वंशे मदनरिपुपादार्चनरताः
पुमांसो भूयांसः परमपुरुषार्थादृतधियः ।
अभूवन् ऋक्सामाध्ययननिपुणापारधिषणाः
श्रुतिस्मृत्यध्वन्याः शुभगुणगणाः शुद्धयशसः ॥

மஹத்யேஷாம்ʼ வம்ʼஶே மத³னரிபுபாதா³ர்சனரதா꞉
புமாம்ʼஸோ பூ⁴யாம்ʼஸ꞉ பரமபுருஷார்தா²த்³ருʼததி⁴ய꞉ .
அபூ⁴வன் ருʼக்ஸாமாத்⁴யயனநிபுணாபாரதி⁴ஷணா꞉
ஶ்ருதிஸ்ம்ருʼத்யத்⁴வன்யா꞉ ஶுப⁴கு³ணக³ணா꞉ ஶுத்³த⁴யஶஸ꞉ ..

Most of the men in His (Śrīmad Appayya Dīkṣitendra’s) family were devoted to the worship of the feet of Lord Śiva. Their mind was focused in the pursuit of the fourth and the supreme Puruṣārtha i.e mokṣa; they were experts in the study of Sāmaveda; their intellect was mighty; they were men who trod the path of the Religion of the Śrutis and the Smṛtis; they had very noble qualities; and their fame was spotless.
Śrīmad Appayya Dīkṣitendra lived in the 16th Century CE to teach the whole range of Gṛhasthāśrama by precept and by example; Śrī Mannārguḍī Periyava lived in the 19th Century CE to execute the same noble task. It is the strong opinion of all Advaitācāryas that brahmajñānam could dawn in a person only when he takes Saṁnyāsāśrama. Although it may also be possible for a person in the Gṛhasthāśrama as well, it is extremely difficult. Only one out of many thousands can achieve brahmajñānam while still in Gṛhasthāśrama itself and mahatmas like Śrī Vācaspati Miśra, Śrīmad Appayya Dīkṣitendra, Śrī Bhāskararāya Dīkṣitendra and Śrī Mannārguḍī Periyava could be counted among this set of brahmajñānīs.
He studied Sāmaveda along with the Lakṣaṇa from his grandfather Brahmaśrī Tyāgarāja Dīkṣitar. His father Brahmaśrī Mārgasahāya Veṅkaṭa Subrahmaṇya Dīkṣitar (Appā Dīkṣitar) taught him Kāvyam and Nāṭakam. He studied the basics of Tarkam and Vyākaraṇam from Śrī Gopālācārya in Mannārguḍī, Mahābhāṣyam from his relative Melakāverī Chinnaṇṇā Dīkṣitar, Pūrva Mīmāṁsā from Śrī Raghunātha Śāstrigaḷ of Kumbhaghoṇam, and Vedāntaśāstram from Śrī Nārāyaṇa Sarasvatī Swāmigaḷ. He continued his further studies in Vedānta from his paramaguru Śrī Swayaṁprakāśa Yatīndra. His mighty intellectual prowess, tapas and ātmaguṇas earned him the admiration of all his gurus so much so that, each one of them praised him in different ways.

 YouTube Link – Dikshitendra Navaratnamalika of Mahamahopadhyaya  Sri Mannargudi Raju Sastrigal (Mannargudi Periyava)